Helsingin Ekonomit - Konsuliklubi

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Visit to Embassy of Spain in Helsinki

10.3.2025 15:30

Embassy of Spain

Physical Event

Welcome to visit the embassy of Spain in Finland!


  • At 15.30 Doors open, registration and coffee
  • At 16.00 Welcome words, Ambassador Fernando Fernández-Arias Minuesa
  • At 16.30 "Trade between Finland and Spain", Financial and Commercial Advisor José Nuño
  • At 17.00 "Traveling in Spain", Director of the Spanish Tourist Office in Helsinki Julio Enrique Jiménez Novella
  • At 17.30 Discussion and networking
  • At 18.00 The event ends

Note: The embassy requires you to provide your name when you register. The information will be delivered to the embassy for visitor security check. Attendees are also requested to bring their identification card with them to the event.

The maximum number of participants in this event is 20. Register at the latest by 27 February.

Organizer: Konsuliklubi

No tickets available anymore.
The Finnish Business School Graduates is a professional and labour market organisation for university-level business school graduates and students. The members are affiliated to 25 local graduate associations and 14 student associations across Finland.
The community of business school graduates is formed by The Finnish Business School Graduates, local graduate associations and local student associations.

Event time

Starts:   10.3.2025 15:30
Ends:   10.3.2025 18:00

Event location

Embassy of Spain

Kalliolinnantie 6
00140 Helsinki

View larger map and directions


Helsingin Ekonomit


Ratavartijankatu 2, 00520 Helsinki