31.10.2023 17:30 - 31.10.2023 19:00 Rest. Tekniska , Eriksgatan 2 , 00100  Helsingfors

Inhiberad - Dismissal of CEO – does it help?

31.10.2023 17:30

Rest. Tekniska

Since 1980, we have seen an exponential increase in CEO dismissal. The question is, why is this happening, and does it help to change the CEO?

Companies change their CEO for many reasons, and a CEO may leave a company voluntarily or involuntary. The responsibility for CEO succession (regardless of whether it is voluntary or involuntary) lies with the board of directors. The reasoning (narrative) used to explain the change is owned by the board itself and it is difficult to validate the official explanation given by the board.

What we do know is that the board works in the intersection between the company/CEO on the one hand, and investors/financial market on the other hand. In exercising their role, they must navigate between different stakeholders with different perspectives and motives for investing or engaging in a company. The multitude of available information available to boards, and the increased expectations they meet from different stakeholders will complicate the work board do.

In our research, we investigated 4140 CEO changes in US S&P 1500 companies between 2000 and 2018 to find answers to these questions. 

PhD Janicke Rasmussen, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Operations Management of BI Norwegian Business School, and member of the Board of Hanken, will tell you more about her research, and explain why this research is important for those of you who work as CEO, if you are a board member, if you are an investor or work in the financial market, or if you are interested in the leadership perspectives.


The presentation will be held in english, but you can also take part in the discussion in swedish.

Anmälningen är öppen för Niords ekonom- och juniormedlemmar.


Det finns inga fler platser.

Det finns inga fler platser.

Evenemangets tidpunkt

Börjar:   31.10.2023 17:30
Slutar:   31.10.2023 19:00


Ekonomföreningen Niord


Catarina Söderström

0400-138 528



Rest. Tekniska

Eriksgatan 2
00100 Helsingfors

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