13.2.2024 08:45 - 14.2.2024 16:00 Aalto-yliopisto, Kandidaattikeskus, Room U356, 3rd floor , Otakaari 1 , 02150  Espoo

Working life skills for future experts and team leaders - course Spring, 2 ECTS / Espoo

13.2.2024 08:45

Aalto-yliopisto, Kandidaattikeskus, Room U356, 3rd floor


Our highly appreciated course for Kylteri students is finally coming to the Helsinki Metropolitan region as we set foot on the Aalto University Campus in Espoo! 

Feel free to sign up for the course regardless of which business school you're studying in.

Learning outcomes:

The objective of the course is to improve business school students’ working life skills. The students learn to understand different workplace negotiations and interactions as well as their own possibilities to influence these as experts or team leaders.

After completing the course, the students are familiar with the key elements of labor law and are able to act in professional negotiations and interactions. The students can follow discussions on working life matters. Furthermore, the students can reflect on different career options and their individual career directions. During the course, the students will learn, with the help of hands-on case assignments, how to succeed in job search and in employment contract and salary negotiations. The students will acquire practical skills for real-life situations by exercising team leader roles in case assignments, in typical, challenging workplace situations.

The key course contents are:

  • How to distinguish oneself in the labor market
  • Key points of employment contracts and labor law
  • How to negotiate your salary
  • How to succeed in working life situations involving changing circumstances or conflict
  • Working life flexibilities
  • How to act as a team leader in different working life situations

Grading: Pass/ Fail

Teaching methods: 
Lecture presentations, participative pair, and group work
The course is participative and interactive. Face-to-face teaching also includes group and pair work exercises that develop negotiation and problem-solving skills in a workplace context. Attendance at lectures is compulsory.

The course includes a total of 16 hours of face-to-face teaching. The face-to-face teaching will take place on two intensive days at Aalto Unversity Campus - Kandidaattikeskus:

  • Tuesday Feb 13th, from 8.15 to 16.30 
  • Wednesday Feb 14th from 8.15 to 15.45.

NB:  There is no substitute for face-to-face teaching sessions. The course requires 100% attendance.

Students who pass the course will be awarded an Open Badge digital credential from Suomen Ekonomit, which can be added to LinkedIn profiles for example.

Literature: Students will receive a personal invitation to the Howspace workspace about one week before the start of the course. Make sure to check the unwanted folder and spam box if you haven't received it. Pre- and final assignments can be found in the workspace. The course material will be given in the Howspace workspace as soon as the course starts.

Trainers / The Finnish Business School Graduates:

  • Ted Apter / Advisor, Labour market and social policy
  • Tiina-Myöhänen-Astikainen / Career Coach
  • Annika Pohjolainen / Legal Counsel

The course is open to University degree students. If you are not yet a member of Ekonomit, you can join here ekonomit.fi/en/membership.

Please note, that this course is not eligible for exchange students.

ATTN: Students from the University of Jyväskylä, please register via Sisu (the course code: JSBY5510).

Find more information about the course via this link.

Registration for this event is currently stopped.

No tickets available anymore.

Event time

Starts:   13.2.2024 08:45
Ends:   14.2.2024 16:00


Mikaela Elers


Event location

Aalto-yliopisto, Kandidaattikeskus, Room U356, 3rd floor

Otakaari 1
02150 Espoo

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